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  1. #1

    Post Greetings!


    I've had an abiding interest in fanciful maps since I can remember, probably starting with my first encounter with "The Hobbit" and "Voyage of the Dawn Treader". I created many maps for various RPG campaigns through college, and was fortunate to see a number of my map sketches professionally developed as a game designer in the 90s, but finally put my own hand to the till in earnest in the early aughts. I began with Freehand 7.0 but now work with CS1. Influences include Christopher Tolkien, English cartographer John Speed, and the folks at Columbia Games.

    I have a special interest in fantasy urban maps. Here's a detail from a map I did for a Harn project a few years ago. It was mostly developed in Illustrator, and colorized in Photoshop.

    You can see more of my exterior and interior maps from this project at the link below.

    I look forward to developing my craft and learning from y'all.


    Last edited by Paul; 10-06-2007 at 04:02 AM.

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