I've been focusing on challenges so much lately that I let this project float away. Rather than resurrect the old thread, I decided that because I had essentially completely restarted the project, I would start a new thread.

This is a project for a friend of mine, Greg, who is one of the better dungeon masters in the group that I've been playing in since 1979. Greg's next campaign will be completely set in Laramis, which is a new world from the one he's run all of his previous campaigns in, which was called Mythgar. We probably played a rough half-dozen campaigns in Mythgar, each lasting about a year.

So Greg put together a map using CC3 and shipped it off to me. I'm including both Greg's original and my current WIP in this, the first post.

I have only spent a couple of days on this version of the map so far, but it went really quickly, and I'm fairly pleased with how it's turned out so far. The reason for posting it here, in this forum, is so that I can get advice and criticism on the map. Tell me what you like, what you don't like, and why, and I will be forever grateful.

Thanks in advance!

Laramis Original.jpgLaramis2.jpg