Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
1 more post and you can send messages. So just reply to this with something like "oh, ok, that's cool" (all posts have to be at least 10 characters long -- letters, numbers, punctuation, spacing, etc all count).
Oh, ok, tha's cool

and run through some, hitting the Next button until you find one you like. Then take a screenie and post it up here. If you want just a bit of the land within the panel then put a red box around it on the screenie. Put a few stars on the map where you specifically want desert or tropical or whatever if thats something you had in mind but the mountains and possible rivers will be fixed from the map.

EDIT -- Ah, I thought this was in the requests box but this is an intro... are you dead keen to make this map yourself ? Well, ill make it if you like but the island tool is a good starting point anyway as its a free utility.
To be honest, I've always preferred drawn maps to generated ones, they tend to have more ... soul ?

It's really not at all in the project's interest if i do the map myself, especially considering this is a forum full of experienced cartographers

So I'll start shooting off PMs