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Thread: Completely Overwhelmed

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  1. #1
    Guild Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    New Orleans

    Post Completely Overwhelmed

    First let me state that my admiration for the artistic skill and insight of the members of the Guild is beyond words. The works of art that I have had the pleasure of viewing here everyday is a real treat and I thank everyone for sharing their skill and dedication.

    For seven months I have poured through tutorials and walkthroughs. I have scoured over maps and tiles. I have saved and written down tips, tricks and notes. I have made several attempts to author my own maps, replicate maps from RPG's and novels and some I've seen on the net. I have tried GIMP, Photoshop, Paint, Inkscape, and a slew of other programs all recommended by the fine members of the Guild.

    In the end, it was to no avail. I'm not sure if it is a lack of artistic ability, the inability to manipulate the software properly or just plain lack of comprehension when reading the tutorials, but I cannot seem to make a map of any sort of quality.

    So this is me saying I appreciate all the hard work by all the members who produced the many tutorials out there and those who created all the wonderful maps.


    Here is the map I have been trying to edit. Its been flattened and such but I do have the base picture with all the name layers saved as a .psd file. My main goal was to make it more crisp and provide a more photo-realistic version of the file to include with my RPG that I am developing. I found the original map on the net somewhere but lost the url when my HDD crashed. So if anyone recoginzes the map/style or knows the author that would be helpful. The original file name is "TheDuchies.jpg". That was the biggest problem with the clarity of the file. It was a jpg.
    Last edited by voidgere; 09-24-2009 at 06:09 PM. Reason: Added link to the map.

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