Hello again RobA,

Sorry to keep buggin u but i think im just stupid. I found this tut over a MONTH ago and i still havent been able to complete a satisfying looking, to my eyes at least, map. As for my recent problem with the layer positioning, i found that i just didnt turn off the layers like you did in the tut so its my bad. Now im trying to, yet AGAIN, make a decent looking, map. So im just gonna list what im trying to put into the map that continues to elude me and maybe u can give a total noob some advice/tips?

1. A single main continent that the map focuses on, surrounded by either, a bunch of small island chains, another piece of a secondary continent that is visible in the corner or a combination of the two.
2. A DEEP forest for elves/ elven type beings somewhere on the main continent.
3. At least two major mountain chains on the main continent, and if i use a piece of a secondary one a coastal mountain range on it as well.
4. A vast steppe with a river, that has a rather large inland island in it, cutting through it, on the main continent for my main humanity region.
5. The crater i asked for earlier as my main TEH ZOMBIE/EV0L!!!!!!! region. Naturally i would enjoy having this area gray to represent lifelessness but if the proves impossible then ill go with dirt brown.
6. OPTIONAL: A volcanic region either within a mountain range or around the TEH EV0L!!!!! crater. But i dont think that is gonna be possible at the current rate of my development.

This map is simply a personal project, its not for any game. I just wanna be able to say i can do a better map than a fill-bucket and post type.

Also, @ Aylorian, nice game design dude. Wish i could play but i never found a D&D type crowd to hang with.