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Thread: WIP - Aronbor... or Perdon

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  1. #11
    Guild Expert Ramah's Avatar
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    Ok, time for a new update.

    Since the last post I've added some more towns in but I still want to add quite a few more. I've moved a few rivers in the north and deleted one or two small ones that were bugging me.
    I've swapped the locations of a tower and town in the north as it makes more sense since I added a new river in this map that wasn't on the overland one.
    I've taken tentative steps into using some sketched brushes as markers. So far I have a little house to represent a town, a tower to represent a.. er... tower, and a castle to represent the capital (which took me FAR longer than I would have liked to get it to a stage where I'm sorta ok with it). I still need to add icons for a city, a keep, ruins and any other stuff I need.
    I'm not completely sold on using the pictorial icons at the moment but I don't find them totally offensive. I'll see if I want to change them once I've lived with them for a while.
    I've also very quickly roughed in some roads and sea lanes. Again, not sure if this is the style I will stick with or whether I will change them, the roads, for instance, I had pictured as an unbroken line but for now they are ok as they are.
    Umm... probably changed a few other things too but my mind's gone blank now. Need sleep, hehe.

    Ah well, here it is.


    Edit: In fact... just looking at it on here I can see straight away that I will change the roads to a different style. I don't like them as they are, even thought they're only roughed.
    Last edited by Ramah; 10-01-2009 at 09:08 PM.
    Royal: I'm very sorry for your loss, your mother was a terribly attractive woman.

    My Cartographer's Guild maps: Finished Maps

    More maps viewable at my DeviantArt page: Ramah-Palmer DeviantArt

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