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Thread: Tsue-jo Palace & Residence

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    Post Tsue-jo Palace & Residence

    Since I'm going to need a more detailed map of Lord Hachiwara of Tsue-jo castle's Daimyo's residence and palace for both the start of Adventure 2 in The Gift, as well as being needed in Part 3, I decided to start doing that now.

    I used a clip from my Tsue-jo city map for reference. Note: I've added a detached tea house on the right side of the Winter residence, which is not on the Tsue-jo city map, I will add that to it.

    So, I've only got a couple hours into it, I'm taking more time with this - still hyper speed as always, just to get the details right. I may not label it as it currently sits, I just wanted to give you an idea of what work I need to do.

    In particular I've got some ideas for the Onmyoji wizards residence and studio. I'm placing an Asian astrological chart, a kind of Japanese Oija board, a summoning circle, I'm thinking some kind of telescope or scrying bowl...

    I'll trick out the gardens, once I get to them towards the end. Note this garden contains the demon-spirit of Lord' Hachiwara's dead wife - a kind of Marelith-like demoness, invisible in the day time, but said to dwell in the pool in the water garden and both haunts and protects the provincial court.

    Note there are living descendant Hachiwara nobles dwelling at this castle, though 27 generations beneath the Daimyo. Also note the castle walls which are currently depicted will be and contain barracks, arrow slits, arrow stores, bowyer/fletcher shop, mess hall, kitchen and other military supplies. At least the northern side wall towers will also be detailed in the final map.

    In the end, I'll place a grid for the print version, and ungridded for the VT version, but to get a sense of scale, notice the "tatami" straw floor mats in the residences currently provide in the chambers on the lower left side - each "square tatami" is 5' x 5' (Japanese were smaller, but it that size works for Kaidan.) This map is currently at 50% scale, where 10' = 1", I'll export at 200 ppi when I'm complete, so I can rescale at 100 ppi and achieve proper scale.

    WIP so far...

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    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 10-02-2009 at 03:54 AM.
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