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Thread: Nameless fantasy world

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  1. #1

    Wip Nameless fantasy world

    Hello, First post here!

    Yesterday I created a fantasy world just for fun. I tried to give it a satellite-like look, but it's not as smooth as somes i can see here, so i still have a lot to learn.

    Basically, I tried to make a functionnal world, with many different areas, weathers... I hope it looks interesting. I randomly put names on the map, but I never was good with finding names anyway ;p (but easier to talk about the map this way)

    World philosophy:
    The areas near the old sea would be like a middle age europe: lots of kingdoms, duchies, baronnies, etc...

    Northeast of it is a very big fertile "valley", a very populated area and old civilization too.

    The Dathic Jungle would be like the Rainforest: hardly anyone living here, wild tribes and such.
    The vertical "valley" at its west would be quite populated too, and a center of trade, between east and west

    farwest is the most populated area on the world, thanks to the water of the longest river which pass through the pontic deset, home of nomad mongol-like tribes.

    Humm, not much to add I guess...

    If anyone have question or critics to make, they're very welcome! ^^

    PS: if anyone has a name for this world, you're welcome!
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