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Thread: Being sick sucks!!!

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  1. #1
    Guild Member eabrek23's Avatar
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    Apr 2009

    Post Being sick sucks!!!

    Yah this is an on and off topic discussion forum, so....
    Well I was halfway sick all last weekend, I just woke up and suddenly had aches, a cough, and a stuffy nose. Funny thing is, it went away the next day. So I'm all ready for school last night, so I go to bed early to get a good nights rest. I wake up this morning, and I have the worst headache you can get, the kind that hurts all the time, and hurts even more when you move your head around too fast. AND, it was also the kind that ADVIL DOESNT WORK ON!!! So I just logged on and typed this up, and I still feel like crap. Its one of those stuffed head headaches I realized, that comes with a nice stuffy nose, and not even SUDAFED WORKS!!!! Well I am trying real hard to keep my head still, as I was just too bored of sleeping for the past 3 and 1/2 hours, so I decided to get some sympathy. Hehheh.

    Now I probably sound like a baby, heh again, but believe me, YOU DONT WANT THIS!! It really interferes with mapmaking, and I was kinda dazed today, yah thats right, I went to school too, so during like math and stuff, (which im usually very good at) I was like doing everything wrong and not even realizing it. So uhhh.... stay healthy and uh.... wash.. your hands.... frequently!.......
    Last edited by eabrek23; 10-19-2009 at 10:19 PM.

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