Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut1981 View Post
Yeah I wasn't trying to say "it should look like a real field". Closer to "everyone from a medieval society will know what a field looks like and how farmers set them up, so they wouldn't draw that"... It just really looked to me like "whack down pattern, grab the eraser, solved"

Not trying to sound like a pain in the ass.
It's fine, you don't sound like a pain in the ass. All CC is greatly appreciated. I don't know if you checked out the last version I posted but I did away with most of the odd shapes you didn't like and instead just drew a large area and filled it, allowing the pattern to give the suggestion of field area on its own.

Tear, yeah your suggestion is a good one. I may go over it and add a few hand-drawn elements as you suggest. Originally, when I thought of adding the agricultural land I was going to hand draw it in some way but after messing around with it I preferred the pattern to just give a hint of what is there as my hand drawn attempts were somewhat lacking. Maybe I'll give it another go.