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Thread: [WIP]Caelun - First Map

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  1. #1
    Guild Novice
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    Nov 2009
    Ohio, Eugh...

    Wip [WIP]Caelun - First Map

    Well, I've gotten my continents shaped, and that's really about it aside from some basic textures, and an outline of the continents. I've been using GIMP to make the map so far.

    I think I've got a decent start here, if anyone would be willing to give me some tips, I would greatly appreciate them. I've got less than zero artistic skill, and this is quite possibly the hardest thing ever.

    In any case, I'm trying to make the map for a world I've built. I've got some basic sketches that work for now, but I'm really looking for something more refined. I appreciate you all checking out my map, and I anticipate some good feedback, whether positive or negative. Thanks!

    Also, the attachment dialog doesn't seem to be working in Chrome. Is this a known issue?

    In any case, in lieu of no attatchments, here's a link.

    Here Updated it a bit. Need to find some brushes to mark places of interest.
    With Labels - I don't really like the text very much, I really hate working with GMIP, it's so much less powerful than photoshop.

    Edit: Crap, I think this might go in Regional/World Mapping. My bad. I wasn't really thinking that it was worth much.
    Last edited by thesubatomic; 11-25-2009 at 03:47 PM.

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