I just do it to push myself and hopefully inspire others...when I first joined I was strictly satellite-style, I guess I still am since all of my varied styles start that way. But now I have learned other styles that I would have never even thought about if not for you all...I may not have mastered them but I do like experimenting in my secret cloud-lab I would still be pushing myself for even more photo-realism in my maps if not for the influences that have come to The Guild in my time here, truly outstanding and you all force me to try new things to keep up. There are far too many influences to list you all and what I envy/respect about you, pros to noobs, and I hope that I've done a good job of letting you all know that, too You all make me better and I try to return that favor every day. Thanks for the kind words everyone...and the help...and the prodding, despite my kicking and screaming

Keep on inspiring and we'll keep on dreaming.
