Quote Originally Posted by RobA View Post
When do you need it by?

I can simply (now) add a fourth grid option (none).

I can add the fade out in the wall...should it be to black or to transparent?

And thinking that I have a batch mode......I could enable the distortion mask feature and you could specify a mask that will distort the middle, but fade out at the edges so they would snap to grid. You could then create a bunch of B&W template files and run the batch mode on them to generate all the tiles! (Like I did for my challenge entry that I wrote the script for initially).

-Rob A>
I am in no real hurry, so anytime you get to it would be fine for me. Here is the workflow I have been using:

  1. Create b/w base image by creating a path, stroking, fuzzy select, fill black, invert selection, fill white.
  2. Run this script
  3. Remove two grid layers, floor, floor noise, wall noise, wall shadows(since it's b/w set to multiple.
  4. On the wall layer, Mask to selection
  5. New layer (filled with black), layer mask from selection (expanded 5px or so), unselect, G Blur layer mask 25 px or so...
  6. Repeat previous but shrink selection instead.

At the end, I have 4 layers, 2 created via script, 2 created manually by me. bevel of wall (script), wall itself(script), floor shadows(manual), wall inner shadow(manual).

Yea, I had thought about the whole batch thing and was planning on trying to take advantage of that anyway.

One other option might be to have NO floor. I simulated this by doing mask to selection on the wall, selecting the floor shadow layer mask and filling with black the selection(so you get a thin ribbon of white on the layer mask, hard on one side, blurred on the other for the shadow). Then on the wall layer, delete the pattern. This gives the tiles the option of using the same base texture above and below as there is now no color at all in the output image. In batch mode, all of the above options would allow a huge quantity of tiles to be created in a multitude of wall textures or even no texture at all...

Anyway, as I said.. I am in no real hurry, so whenever. I want to thank you immensely as this is a hugely useful script as is that saves tons of time!