Had some success with my rivers. Yay! In the image below the green lines are from my raster river layer, the blue lines are the rivers I've named and digitized into a shapefile. Again, I have a lot of naming ahead of me.
I noticed that a lot of my favorite rivers lie right under the subtropical high-pressure zone. The Everflow has its mouth at about 30*, that's pretty marginal to the high-pressure belt and most of its headwaters are in more temperate regions. This area works for me.
The big fan in the northwest corner of the northwest continent is close enough to the equator to benefit from moisture from the ITCZ. Some of its more southerly tributaries may have more seasonal monsoonal moisture patterns. It is largely downwind of high mountains from the prevailing equatorial easterlies. I figure it has wildly varying discharge, with limited flow in the winter and floods in the summer.
The Bloodhammer River which more or less defines the somewhat fluid southeastern extent of the Orclands, could well be pretty much intermittent. It's not like we expect orcs to live in paradisical places.
The Longwater basin in the west is my problem child. Most of the area drained by this river system is pretty firmly embedded in the subtropical desert belt. Doesn't seem well suited to halfling shires. It might be best to move my hobbits to a spot between Colonia Bellcap and Pennyfarthing Island. I'm a bit irritated, though, 'cause that's a pretty attractive drainage system and it's just about the perfect location for a nasty little desert. The Applewater and the Longwater could well be fed from mountain glaciers.
Deserts are a problem for this continent. I want some, and I've had to handwave away some of the best desert locations for the sake of my good rivers. I might skip some of the left bank tribs to the Everflow and let the area between the Everflow and the Bloodhammer go to desert. Most of the eastern shore of the Middle Sea should probably be desert.
I think I need to drop back into Photoshop or Wilbur to composite in my climates next.