I don't know why it took so long for me to find this place! I've been looking for something just like this for a long while now. But finally searching 'fantasy mapping' turned up some results. xD

Anyway, the name's Meri (well, not in RL ), or Meridok. You can call me whichever you feel like. I've long been interested in reading & writing, especially fantasy (of just about any kind - I've yet to meet a fantasy novel I didn't like on some level), historical fiction, and science fiction. And for some obscure reason (I think I can blame Tolkien), I've loved maps for just about as long.

Unfortunately, I'm a pathetic artist. And while I do use the GIMP for some stuff, its mostly only been minor picture edits and such. I've certainly never attempted a mapping project on there! All my maps to date (and goodness knows I sketch enough of them) have been by hand.

Mostly I've been content with my crude sketches, but I love maps. I love looking at maps. I want to make maps as pretty as the ones I look at. So hopefully, that's what will happen on here!

Oh yes, and I'm a writer as well - my current long-term mapping project is for a fantasy world I'm creating, for stories. I've also an interest in pen&paper / DnD-style roleplaying, but I've never actually done it. The only roleplaying I have done is online, in forums (+ one chat style, but that's a little OT).
