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Thread: Working on my next map - Kingdom of Gibeon

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  1. #1
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Looks great! Great work there.
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    "Keep your mind in hell, but despair not." --Saint Silouan [1866-1938]

  2. #2


    Looking nice!

    (I'm hoping for that tutorial, too!)

    -Rob A>

  3. #3
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    This style is growing on me more and more...great work! I like the organic feel of it
    Fantaseum (

    Robbie Powell - Site Admin

  4. #4


    landorl - I commented on your map of Braegor earlier.

    The thing that strikes me the most, which you commented on, is that the style is identical across your maps. It will be great when you complete the entire collection and can stitch them all together.

    Couple of additional thoughts:
    1. Your legend lists large cities as those with over 5000 inhabitants. Was this arbitrary or was the number based on something? I ask only from the perspective that there were (a few) ancient cities that had far in excess of 5000 inhabitants. Might you choose a larger denomination or are you implicitly stating that while larger than 5000, their populations aren't so much larger as to warrant a different symbol?
    2. As a Navigator is the U.S. Navy and a submarine navigator at that, I love when fantasy map makers shade the ocean to ever deeper shades of blue. But I am often disappointed in that it seems that no thought is put into it, ie. most maps have a uniform thickness of each color. Assuming that deeper colors indicate deeper water, no ocean bottom in the world slopes down uniformly as most maps indicate. I'm not critiquing your map (because I think that it's beautiful), but I have to ask whether your ocean shading is meant to imply depth or was it done for decoration only?

  5. #5
    Guild Artisan landorl's Avatar
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    To answer your questions...

    1. In my world, there are several cities which far exceeds 5,000. In this kingdom, the city of Echelon is one of the largest in the world with a population of over 50,000, and there are a couple of other cities with populations in the range of just under 20,000. However, this kingdom is also one of the most densely populated, and most of my kingdoms will only have one or two "mega" cities with populations in the range of 10-20,000. So, I made the cut at 5,000 to show more of the larger cities. I am considering going back in after I get some of the others done and adding another symbol for cities with populations greater than 20,000.

    2. I definitely will have to go back in later on and redo my sea depths. I do want to give a sense of the depth of the seas, but right now it is just random drawing, for artistic more than realistic depths. When I do this, I will just do three basic level. I will do what I consider to be coastal waters, and probably say that it is depths of under 100 feet. The next level will be medium depths, with the depth being under 500 feet. The dark color will be anything greater than that. I may end up changing to 50 and 200 feet.

  6. #6


    Thanks for the answers.
    I think that 100, 500, and deeper are the way to go.

  7. #7
    Guild Artisan landorl's Avatar
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    As I was thinking of the 50/200, one of the thoughts that I had was that these were the depths that a person could potentially swim to. It is possible(though not likely) that someone could swim to 50 feet without any gear, then 200 feet is the most they could go to without some specialized gear that wouldn't normally be available in a medieval/ dark ages setting.

    I've personally gone down to 25' without any help- I don't think that I can hold my breath long enough to go deeper and still resurface, and the deepest that I have dove with gear was 100'.

    The general technology level for my world is equivalent to about the mid 12th century with some areas being slightly beyond, or behind.

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