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Thread: the capital city of Naim

  1. #11


    Popcorn; yum! I really like the winding streets and color-coded city sections.

    I noticed there were bridges in the fly-through, but there are none indicated on the map. Also, did you have a reference for the layout of the castle? The keep is connected to the outer curtain wall, which seems insecure to me. I am by no means an authority on castle construction, though.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  2. #12


    Yeah, I made the bridges as components and didn't flatten them for my final 2D version. Another oversight.

    As to the castle, that was just plain ignorance. I liked the idea of building something that looked like a key hole (it was a weird metaphor for locking away the secrets of governance) but, admittedly, it's not realistic. I may go back and redesign it.

    Thanks for the thoughts!

  3. #13



    This is my first post (my second will be to the introductions section)!

    I am amazed by the 3d rendering of the city, that is awesome! I have to say though after watching those ships sail into that massive cavern, and that teeny, tiny support above that huge cavern upon which the city rests, there is NO WAY I am living in that city!


    That b---- is coming down!!!
    Last edited by pyrandon; 12-18-2007 at 09:05 PM. Reason: Edited out profanity-- P.

  4. #14
    Guild Journeyer Sular's Avatar
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    The city is very artfully mapped. The flythrough was something of a shock to me however, mostly due to the fact that the map style reminded me of mayan art so the Europeanness of the city was unexpected.

  5. #15
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leonid View Post
    Once I started using Ruby scripts, things went faster...
    I hack a bit of Perl for all sorts of stuff. What did you use the Ruby for ?

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