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Thread: No clue

  1. #1
    Guild Applicant
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    Question No clue

    Hello everyone,
    I have just joined. I have recently got intrested in world building and map building for an on going project.
    I have been working on the NaNoWriMo Novels. (There is one for each month).

    I have downloaded the GIMP software.
    Though, I had a look, I am at loss. I dont know how to use it.

    So with any luck I can make some new friends and do some world building.
    Anyone who can help me, I would be very grateful.

  2. #2
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    Hi Michelle - welcome to the forum. Well, I'm a photoshop user myself - so don't really know GIMP - but have a look at this tutorial:
    and try searching on youtube - I'm guessing there are lots of tutorials there too

    good luck with mapping - and ask away...
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  3. #3
    Guild Applicant
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    OK- I've just tried doing what the instructions say.
    But... I still messed up.
    I dont know how to lighten the layer.
    So when I used a white layer for the following new layer- it went wrong.
    *Sigh* I think I need it getting... simplified a little bit more.

  4. #4
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    unfortunatly I don't know Gimp - but in Photoshop there is a slider with a percentage value in the layer menu where you can adjust the layers transparacy - maybe Gimp has the same?
    regs tilt
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  5. #5
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Maybe if its your first time with a new app its a good idea to just play around with it and get to know some of the real basics first. Just paint some lines and then spray some stuff, use a little delete and move on until your at least confident with the user interface and basic features then at least your not trying to hit all the difficult stuff and simpler stuff all at once. I don't know Gimp all that well but its an app that has huge potential and with those sorts of app they have features which are powerful and sometimes difficult to get to know how to use all mixed up with the plain easy stuff. Layers are not the simplest thing to get to grips with for a first time use of Gimp and might be off putting. If you have thick skin and patience then sure it can be figured out ok but don't throw the towel in if it starts looking too difficult cos you should progress in stages and you would get more out of it in the process.

    Not knowing Gimp too well I am unsure what your specific issue is. Normally you select the right layer and then use an effect like a brightness / contrast to change that layers image. But it might be that you need to fade in a white backdrop or maybe multiply it with something less dark - all could give the same effect. Post up images if you get completely stuck and we can see whats happening.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 03-08-2010 at 02:49 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    regs tilt
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  7. #7
    Community Leader NeonKnight's Avatar
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    Welcome to the Guild!
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  8. #8



    Feel free to post general gimp requests here (screengrabs are always a good idea) as there are a number of gimp users here. Another option is the gimptalk forums, which, IMOO, is another fairly friendly place on the web (at least the forums there that I look at!)

    Don't give up on it, like anything, it takes a bit of work to get used to it.

    The tutorial Tilt linked is pretty comprehensive and tries to start at the beginning, but it does make a few leaps. It is also with an older version of Gimp, so the screen captures and commands may look slightly different than the current version of Gimp.

    Also look at the "how to draw a straight line" tutorial
    . This simple things causes endless frustration to people.

    -Rob A>

  9. #9
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  10. #10
    Guild Applicant
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    Hi Everyone,
    Ok, I found GIMP to be difficult, and couldn't figure out how to change the blend colour setting to overlay.
    I am now using Coral Paintshop Pro ultermate X2.
    The problem now is.. How do I map build using it.
    Please- if anyone knows. Please help me. I feel like an idiot.

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