That lil tune is very infectious and fun, good stuff. As for the rest, I find it hard to be awed by the thousandth iteration of something I've already seen. I'm not saying that everyone needs to reinvent the wheel with each new map either. For the new folks, the tuts are invaluable as teaching aides and I genuinely feel happy for them when they complete their first "magnum opus". I can remember how I felt when I completed my first. That feeling stayed there for years and lead me to be quite prolific and experimental. That's why I try different techniques and styles in my underground lab all the time. After 5 years, though, my maps bore me cuz I've seen them before...twisted this knob every which way, fiddled with this slider every possible way, tried this or that style. So I've sort of hit "artist's block" and feel stale and when I feel stale everything else feels stale as well. So maybe the problem lies with us and we need to rekindle our inner fires so that we can rise anew...all on fire n stuff like that bird thingy that I used to use as my avatar, like DJ has.I did have a major breakthrough at work today, stained glass, so I'm starting to feel that spark coming back (at least in that area) and hopefully I'll be all on fire n stuff in the coming months. Ya know, maybe it's all just a low cycle in circadian rhythms, shrug.
On the flip side there are guys like Coyote and Immolate who started with something in the tuts and have now gone on to blaze their own trails. And fresh new styles like Ramah and DJ. Remember when every town was a Pyrandon town or a Zombie Nirvana clone? It's all trendy. Ya don't see too many of my satellite or atlas maps anymore, those were replaced by Pasis who was replaced by Tear and a year from now something else with be the next new "it" style. Just hang in there, bro, it'll come around. For what it's worth, your tut is vastly under-rated and one of these days I'm going to force myself to try other folks' tuts and I'm starting with yours...then I'm hittin Jezelf's.