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Thread: Photoshop CS5

  1. #1
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Coyotemax's Avatar
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    Default Photoshop CS5

    Well heck, no sooner than they posted CS4 (that was what, a year ago?) here's CS5.

    From a quick review, it seems very heavily geared towards the photo processing (i suppose that's to be expected, it is called PHOTOshop afterall right), though there's quite a few arts-oriented changes.

    I thought the image they chose to showcase for the extended version was kind if interesting and strangely relevant to the site though

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  2. #2
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    Cool map. I'm sure that some few of us could do something like that if we buckled down. I had just learned about CS5 within the past week and it seemed to me that there were more web-based tools and things. I didn't look into it too much but just skimmed the features list.
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  3. #3
    Community Leader mearrin69's Avatar
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    Wow. That *is* a pretty cool image. Too bad I just bought CS4...I only got it in November so I'm not likely to upgrade now for quite a few years. That thing isn't exactly cheap. Not sure how much new innovative stuff they've got in the new one. I got the feeling that they launched CS4 into a recession and that it didn't really do all that well for them. I imagine they were in a bit of a rush to get this one out the door and selling as things start picking up again.

  4. #4


    I really dig the mountains on the right side. My next goal is to have mist wafting around my mountains now.

  5. #5


    Edit: Nevermind. I just checked the announce date, and it was very recent.

    CS4 was released in October of 2008 and CS3 was April of 2007, so it looks like they're releasing about every 1.5 years, which is not as rapid as some publishers. Autodesk, for instance, releases a new version of Maya and Max on a yearly basis, whether they've made any improvements or not.

    The biggest improvements I'm looking forward to in the new suite are 64-bit After Effects and the grid-based distortion tool in Photoshop, which should make correcting perspective issues for matte painting a breeze.

    I'm cautiously optimistic about the new 3d tools, but 3d painting in Photoshop CS4 wasn't nearly as useful as it might have been, so I'll wait until I've played with it before I get too excited.
    Last edited by Midgardsormr; 05-02-2010 at 08:43 PM.
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  6. #6
    Professional Artist
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    Why do i always feel cheated and bitter when a new relase of a program or computer i have comes out??? The bells and whistles on that map are pretty cool but I'm positive (as Ascension said) that there are quite a few here who could accomplish that level of quality with ease. I think you'd actually see a ton more jaw dropping maps here if a lot of us weren't hung up on our pet mapping obsessions... but that's the nature of a hobby! (0:

  7. #7


    I bought CS4 in March.. after 3 semesters of teaching Illustrator CS4 and only having CS3 at home. Fortunately another teacher told me that I could get a really good discount being a teacher. Still.. I only had it a month before I saw the CS5 announcement.. that kind of hurt. I'm sure I'll get this one pretty soon, since the school has already said they will be upgrading.

  8. #8
    Guild Artisan Clercon's Avatar
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    Here is another interesting film with some new paint related stuff.
    I'mh hoping to be able to pick up a copy of CS5 after the summer when I'm attending a Photo course. Student prize is a very good deal for your wallet :-). Then I just need to find some time to use it for maping as well.

  9. #9
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected Daelin's Avatar
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    I have CS5 (don't ask, I can't tell you) but to be honest, I'd probably need hundreds of hours of lessons to really make use of any of this stuff. I think you're right, Coyotemax, about it being focused on photo manipulation, as opposed to digital art creation, cause it might help you to morph the sea monster's tail and instantly refill the missing bit, like it shows in the video, but how do you make the monster to begin with? That's what I'd like to know!
    Its definitely a lot faster than CS4, that's for sure!
    Last edited by Daelin; 05-03-2010 at 04:22 PM.

  10. #10


    Very cool marketing imagery! I believe the 3D was not done in an Adobe product, but so it goes...

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