Haha! Thank you! I think it's very unnatural, but I have little inspiration to work with lots of details.
Very intriguing deformations. Duly repped.
My current worldbuilding experiment(s):
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
-W.B. Yeats
Haha! Thank you! I think it's very unnatural, but I have little inspiration to work with lots of details.
I can see this being prophesised as well. In Revelations, there is talk of how "a third of the sky darkened" or something like that. Dust clouds anyone?
What???? You mean there is NO MAGIC RENDER BUTTON!
Problem with this is that if you got this much land sunk by geological rearrangements, you'd be seeing shallow seas become land without having a bunch of additional water from somewhere. What you've got there is way beyond melting the world's ice. Maybe instead of, or in addition to, nuclear war, the Large Hadron Collider can accidentally tear a hole through spacetime to the Plane of Water, causing massive rainstorms that deposit new water and flood the world.
Very cool. I've been using a number of sites and resources in determining plausible climates for the geography of my planet. This site in particular might help you figure out how the climates of different regions might have changed after a long enough period of time.