I'm agreeing with Diamond here - the icons look a lot better at that size, and you can fit more stuff on (like those roads). The roads are looking great too, they seem just slightly 'in' the ground instead of just slapped on. Dunno if it would work at this scale, but maybe for roads that aren't really 'clean' or well-cared for a bit of fading along the edges might integrate those roads more into the landscape. They look really good right now tho', and that might be for a smaller map.
One thing I'm noticing about the icons is that now they're smaller, maybe the stroke should be a point or two smaller as well - particularly on those orange stars with all the tiny points. The points were getting a wee bit lost in the stroke, it felt like. Looks just great tho', so it might just be a personal thing ^.^
- Alizarine