First off,
GREAT looking map bambua! looks like your making a lot of headway too. can't wait to see it finished!

Quote Originally Posted by jwbjerk View Post
It looks good flat.

Have you considered how this will look wrapped around a sphere? The northern and southern most bits get noticeably distorted.

EDIT: i've wanted an easy explanation of how to check for polar distortion before, so i through together a quick tutorial of my method, here:

Please forgive the promotion of my own tutorial, but i haven't found another explanation of how to do this.
The other easy way is to open it up in Google Earth ( I love Google) I like it because you can load up smaller images like cities and things and zoom down in on them just like our planet
If you have GE just go to the Add button on the toolbar, go down to Image Overlay, pick the file you want and stretch and size to fit, looks like the same result as Sketchup, but I'm familiar with GE so, there ya go,
can you overlay multiple images in sketchup? I'll have to take a look.