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Thread: Could use some critique

  1. #11
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    If you are using a bevel to create them you may want to increase it some to get harder ridge lines and peaks.

    There are a whole bunch of different mountain tutorials in that forum (I recommend looking through them), though it really kind of depends on what appeals to you.
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

  2. #12
    Guild Member paradox_wanderer's Avatar
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    It kind looks like you're using PS to make your maps, is that true? If so, I think that you're using a layer style to make them show up. Yeah/Nay? If both assumptions are true, then you can use a different contour on the bevel and emboss (something opposite of the half round option). One of the things that i've learned recently is that the mountains need to be "chainey" I've found that if i play with the layer mask i'm using for the mountains in Liquify, i can generate a set of mountains that look more like the intersection of tectonic plates instead of random bumpiness. AND if none of this make sense, you're probably not working in PS or with my particular method of layers so nevermind. All in all, i think that if you could make them more like collision points of tectonic plates rather than masses, it'll make it feel more realistic.
    She's taken to calling me "Abbot Fou". I like it. Pretty sure it means "Enlightened Warrior."

  3. #13
    Guild Expert Eilathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelyn View Post
    I'll also try to upload the entire map, although I'm afraid I'll have to downscale it so much that it won't be legible anymore
    Wow, i really like your maps. Cool style!
    Und ich hoffe wir können die Weltkarte irgendwann mal noch bestaunen? Ev. musst du sie halt auf nem webservice hochladen.

    Hope to see more of this project. Btw is this work for something specific? Like, say, an rpg or a novel? Inquiring minds want to know
    I'm trapped in Darkness,
    Still I reach out for the Stars

  4. #14


    Beautiful work. Just one thing...therest a light circle above Der Sturmwall, I thought it was a stain on my computer screen at first , lol! Is that intentional or just an artifact?

  5. #15


    I like how you cleaned up your mountains (and yeah, messing with the bevel might clean things up if you're using layer styles). The colors are great, and yeah using English gets boring after awhile ^.^ Looks like you've got another language to use tho', so lucky you! Looking forward to seeing more of these maps, and that full-continent one!

    - Alizarine
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    "Shoot them?"
    "Sir, I think there's a problem with your brain being missing ... at last, we can all retire to a life of luxury!"

  6. #16


    I like your map! Great colours. The mountains are definitely much better now, but the transition from mountain to flat land is where they look mushy I think. I used this technique on the map I just did:

    Well kind of. That's probably not going to help you much. The style of your map is very different. I also took the height map into 3D software and rendered shadows from it to help tighten it up a bit.

    Sorry I don't have any more constructive feedback

  7. #17
    Guild Journeyer Aelyn's Avatar
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    Wow, thanks a lot for all the comments. I didn't get round to working on my map since my master's thesis was due this week. Now that it's done, let's get back to the fun I'll try and answer everything.

    @paradox_wanderer : Keen observer, it is PS. I already made some experiments with B&E, still it didn't satisfy me. Now that I got more time I'll give it a try.

    @Eilathen: It's inspired by some old story I once wrote. Yet that took place in another part of the world (which also has a map, less pretty and in English). Apart from that, I was just a bit bored and thought mapmaking was fun But if one day I'll design my own computer game, I'd surely like to use that world! And by the way: Nice to see someone from "just around the corner", where in Switzerland are you?

    @ravells: That circle is a mistake. I got rid of it, but I already wondered why nobody noticed it. So congrats, you proved me guilty.
    Now that the warm fuzzy part is over we can get back to the ritual dismemberments. Oh wait, it's not Tuesday is it?

  8. #18
    Guild Expert Eilathen's Avatar
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    Hey Aelyn,

    Yeah, nice to see that some of you fellow guildmembers are not that far away Ich bin in der Nähe von Zürich zu hause. Wo genau kommst du denn her? Oh und wie siehts denn nun aus mit der Weltkarte? Map-addict here, you know
    I'm trapped in Darkness,
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  9. #19
    Guild Journeyer Aelyn's Avatar
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    Zuricco? That's funny, so we're actually not that far apart. I'm living close to Lake Constance atm. Oh, and concerning the map: I'm working on it, honestly. Still the mountains and me don't seem to be friends...
    Now that the warm fuzzy part is over we can get back to the ritual dismemberments. Oh wait, it's not Tuesday is it?

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Aelyn View Post
    Zuricco? That's funny, so we're actually not that far apart. I'm living close to Lake Constance atm. Oh, and concerning the map: I'm working on it, honestly. Still the mountains and me don't seem to be friends...
    you might want to try putting another layer over it,
    set the fill to 0%
    go into blending option and click Bevel and Emboss, Texture,
    and fiddle around with those different testures, then paint the new texture on (little by little) over the mountains
    the key is to follow the texture, paint in where it wants to go, then go in after with a fuzzy eraser to take out parts that don't fit

    I get really craggy mountains layering up 3 or 4 different textures that way

    The map is looking really great by the way, really a nice clean style!
    Last edited by Sadist; 06-04-2010 at 01:33 AM.

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