Sorry for the delay -- today (err, yesterday, i guess, based on the current time) my group (finally) had a D&D session and i was away from the computer all day.
Indeed, there are still a lot of names i haven't given you. I'll send them all to you together, as you requested (below).
You missed the city of Versveshivi (in Vasara, roughly west from Usk). You also wrote Westnarch instead of Westmarch and Maleiv instead of Malciv. Otherwise, you got all of them right.
Oh, and you forgot to remove the "Eladrin - Astral Sea" text, but that's okay, since i'll give you the name of the region.
I love how it's coming on. It looks very professional. And don't worry about the black fade-border-thingy; as long as it's there in the final version, all is well.
I'm torn between displaying the "Forest of K'zirmyjg" text in another color (not red, as that is reserved for kingdom names) and not displaying it at all. What's your opinion?
I've decided to turn the two smaller elven kingdoms into a single one which spans the bit of K'zirmyjg which K'zim doesn't cover as well as the entire plains south of the forest. I've removed the border between those two kingdoms on the map i'm attaching in order to reflect that.
More names (and attached file with locations):
- Bael, tiefling kingdom
- - - Korvo Ezgh, capital of Bael
- - - Maelbrathir, city in Bael
- - - Val Kragal, city in Bael
- - - Pactum, city in Bael
- - - Thib Emäl, city in Bael
- - - Shadow City / Ethereal City, two representations of a city (in different geographical regions, as shown on the map i've attached) of unknown name which exists in other planes but not truly in the mortal world (i'd like these two city icons to be a little different from the others, please, perhaps using the square icon instead of the circular icon, or perhaps more transparent city icons, or however you think such a "ghost city" should be represented)
- Northrend, northern human kingdom
- - - Duskkeep, capital of Northrend
- - - Northreach, city in Northrend
- - - Portmouth, city in Northrend
- - - Winterhaven, city in Northrend
- - - Draigdurroch, city in Northrend
- - - Guardbury, city in Northrend
- Zelenne, southern elven kingdom
- - - Isyrne, capital of Zelenne
- - - Alberich, city in Zelenne
- - - Eltanin, city in Zelenne
- - - Lorane, city in Zelenne
- Fairun, region where eladrin cities sometimes appear (usually at dawn or at dusk)
- - - Evereska, largest city in Fairun
- - - Aleia, city in Fairun
- - - Dimara, city in Fairun
- - - Narvel, city in Fairun
- Dankirk (already marked)
- - - Tanabel, capital of Dankirk (already marked)
- - - Plainfield, city in Dankirk
- - - Fairport, city in Dankirk
- - - Amberia, city in Dankirk
- - - Eastside, city in Dankirk
- Nidavellier (already marked)
- - - Hoftz-Kunn, capital of Nidavellier (already marked)
- - - Gelderland, city in Nidavellier
- - - Kaltstahl, city in Nidavellier
- - - Neuberg, city in Nidavellier
- - - Loch, city in Nidavellier
- - - Unterwelt, city in Nidavellier
- K'zim (already marked)
- - - Nantir, capital of K'zim
- - - Neresse, city in K'zim (already marked)
- - - Irissea, city in K'zim
- - - Ayrea, city in K'zim
- - - Riverside, city in K'zim