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Thread: Dungeon a week

  1. #41


    Dungeon a week - Map No.23

    I find it particularly pleasant. I like rounded corners, watching the statues in the corridor at each end, and the row of pillars between them, preventing them from looking to each other in the eye.

    Last edited by Faeriss; 06-20-2010 at 10:38 AM.

  2. #42


    Dungeon a week - Map No.24

    This dungeon is actually simple at first, so I wanted to highlight it. Thus, in two rooms, the cobblestones were particularly worked. And the top row has been improved with the addition of six statues.

  3. #43


    Dungeon a week - Map No.25

    This week, it will be a more traditional dungeon. I added some extra not found in the tile Dyson Logos. Thus, one can find a hole in the center of a square room with colored paving stones, two statues guarding the passages of a dungeon, a long corridor grid through the entire width of the dungeon, and a rectangular room lit by two eternal lights.

  4. #44


    Dungeon a week - Map No.26

    With the card last week when we find a long corridor right with secret passages, Dyson Logos had an idea for a larger corridor without secret passages - just a long corridor with columns linking two parts of the dungeon.

  5. #45


    Nice Job, they look really nice.
    How about a corridor that goes up and over a hallway, so a left-right hallway that goes over a north-south hallway.

  6. #46


    Very good idea and thank you for sharing it. I already had the opportunity to create this kind of tile with several levels. However, I am mindful that players could use my tiles, so I stay on a level to facilitate their exploration in their dungeons ...

  7. #47


    This week will be my first real dungeon, in the sense that the tiles Dyson Logos will not be my inspiration. This module can be a central fortress or simple houses. The brightly colored blocks show some taste of the inhabitants, unless there are hidden traps so clever.

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