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Thread: Hylia world map - A "satellite-view" map for my Zelda RPG.

  1. #11



    This is amazing, and I'm going to rep you for it! My first impulse when viewing the first of your maps was "well, it looks a little flat" but the zoomed in versions made me shut my mouth quick--they are amazingly realistic. I love the color-exclusion effect on that last one, especially. I'll have to remember that for my future maps!

    The mountains look like some really clever use of the layer-style effects--I wish I could have watched over your shoulder while you made them! Do you have any special brushes you use for them (that you'd be willing to share?) Also, it looks like you have a really detailed and impressive height map going (especially noticeable in the ocean areas). Great craftsmanship!

  2. #12
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected Felwynn's Avatar
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    @Ascension: as you can see on the tutorial images, there are only 2 or 3 real satellite images in my texture. I use images of marble, wood and rocks, and I blend all of these several times to obtain good relief and figure the landscapes I had in mind for the final map.
    Most of these textures have the same saturation and an uniformisation is necessary to get a texture which will be colorized with the background. Of course, the difficulty is to keep color differences to obtain the color effect you've seen. Finally, I put my texture layer on Overlay (Incrustation), and it blends with the color layer.

    @Katto: I could translate the entire tutorial to make a .pdf file and share it on C'sG. It will take time, and, as Aelyn said, PS tags require me to take a look at an english version of Photoshop, even if I remember some of the english equivalences (thanks to Blender!). Just be patient

    @Reckless: I used basic brushes of Photoshop for this map. The mountains are in a layer with Pillow-Emboss style effect. Little hills are any spongy brush you can like, with few opacity. Bigger mountains require some sharpened brushes blended with spongy effects. My mistake was to begin with the Hyrule mountains. You can see on the entire map, that I drew too large mountain ranges. As a result, they looked like rock shelves till I reduced and erased with smooth brushes. But erase some zones with a 30% opacity rubber several times between two mountain drawings is a good way to figure many details in your relief.
    Last edited by Felwynn; 07-19-2010 at 12:20 PM.

  3. #13
    Guild Artisan Katto's Avatar
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    I know what you mean Felwynn! At first I always had a german-english PS translation at hand, there are many on the web.
    I've tried to translate the tutorial via google. It was not helpful, just very funny I will be patient, then.

  4. #14


    For the purposes of getting at it quickly, here's a screenshot of the English blendmodes list:
    Other languages should have the list in the same order. If you simply provide a screenshot of the French list, that should suffice until such time as the entire tutorial is translated.

    As for me, my French is no better than this. And frequently worse.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  5. #15
    Guild Adept Aenigma's Avatar
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    Very sweet work, I must say =)

    This thread gets a fiver.
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  6. #16
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Great stuff here Felwynn, I dub thee newly repped *bonk*

    Looking forward to the tutorial...
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

  7. #17
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Yes, marvellous maps with fantastic texturing. I particularly like the volcanoes.

    I think you would get some useful tips or ideas from a tutorial that collects up many comments about rivers and water flow:

  8. #18


    Now that's a map! Really impressive work Felwynn (rep +2!).


  9. #19
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected Felwynn's Avatar
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    Uh, thx but, by the way, what do you mean by "rep"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes
    I think you would get some useful tips or ideas from a tutorial that collects up many comments about rivers and water flow:
    You mean because the rivers on my map are rubbish? It's true, but it's a Role Play map: All these rivers must be crossed in the game so I prefered not to draw them realistically to avoid complicated travels. The placement of mountains is very strange too... but you're right. Actually, most people said "hey, your rivers don't disappear under the forests". I know it's not realistic, but, I need to know where the water is^^.

    Good tips and tutorial, anyway. Maybe I will show one of my other works, more geologically realistic. Hope you'll appreciate.^^
    Last edited by Felwynn; 07-19-2010 at 06:25 PM.

  10. #20
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felwynn View Post
    Uh, thx but, by the way, what do you mean by "rep"?
    See that little green box under your name? If you mouse over it, you'll see how many rep points you have, which translates into how much we all drool over your maps.

    Speaking of, great work. And repped.

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