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Thread: Traduction en Français du tuto d'Ascension "ATLAS STYLE" / French translation

  1. #1
    Guild Novice Monsieur H2o's Avatar
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    Tutorial Traduction en Français du tuto d'Ascension "ATLAS STYLE" / French translation

    Bonjour aux francophones !

    Ainsi que je l'ai indiqué à l'auteur de ce tuto sur son profil, j'ai beaucoup apprécié son travail fantastique. Cependant, si vous avez comme moi une version en Français de Photoshop vous allez rapidement vous faire des nœuds au cerveau pour trouver à quoi correspondent les termes utilisés, vu que les traducteurs d'Adobe n'ont pas forcément utilisé les termes les plus pertinents pour nous. Je vous propose donc une traduction de ce tuto. J'ai pris le temps de vérifier chaque terme pour éviter toute erreur. Si cette traduction plaît (n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir en m'envoyant un message), je pourrais vous en proposer d'autres ultérieurement. Amusez-vous bien !


    Hi to francophone people !
    As I wrote to this tutos' author on his profile, I really appreciate his fantastic job. But, if you are using the french version of Photoshop as I do, you'll quicky become nuts on trying to find what matches with the used tems, because of their low pertinence choosed by the adobe's translaters . So I'd like to submitt a translation to you. I took my time to verify each term to find out any mistake. If you like this translation (do not hesitate to send me a message), I will be able to submitt some others, later. Have fun !
    atlas style Français - French by Ascension.pdf
    atlas style (Français - French) by Ascension.doc
    Last edited by Monsieur H2o; 09-11-2010 at 06:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected Dain's Avatar
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    Brest, France


    Good on you man, that's indeed a great tutorial. Your initiative will definitely help.

    The only thing you should probably do though is add on the front page the name/ nickname of author and yours, as a translator.
    I'd like to spread this tuto over a french RPG community but giving credits to the right persons is something important to me.

    Do you think you can do that?
    Thanks in advance


  3. #3


    That's fantastic, thank you H20! It's great to see guild members helping each other in this way. Have some rep!

    p.s. Once Ascension's tutorial gets translated into Swahili, we will know that the Guild has truly arrived! And Ascension will probably be made king of the world or something!

  4. #4
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    p.s. Once Ascension's tutorial gets translated into Swahili, we will know that the Guild has truly arrived! And Ascension will probably be made king of the world or something!
    You mean it hasn't already!
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  5. #5
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
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    Great Idea H2o!! Good on you for taking the initiative. Have some rep

    I do agree with Dain though. You should acknowledge Ascension as author and yourself as translator because I am sure that this will be going outside the Guild, and we really like to give and get credit where and when due.
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  6. #6
    Guild Novice Monsieur H2o's Avatar
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    Hi ! Sorry, I did not mentioned the original author in titles but in the properties. I just changed the title also.

  7. #7
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    King of the World means I get to die in a boatwreck...yay me.
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  8. #8
    Guild Applicant
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    Thanks you
    C'est vraiment gentil de ta part, merci à toi.

  9. #9
    Guild Novice Monsieur H2o's Avatar
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    Tu es le bienvenue
    D'autres suivront en fonction de mes disponibilités

  10. #10

    Default une image de la pile de calques serait la bienvenue

    ces tutoriaux sont supers mais j avoues qu'une image de la pile de calque serait d'une grande aide car j ai un peu de mal a reperer qui est au dessus de qui

    d avance merci


    in english : these tuts are great but a picture depicting how the layers are organised would be a great help, it's sometimes confusing to "see" which layer is above another one, anyhow great work

    thanks in advance


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