Yes the path fades a bit quick and your also right in that its going to bias him based on the cost of taking the path or going cross country except that I haven't coded that bit yet and he takes the most direct route all the time so it does not build up much. Also I think more people will trod it down a bit more. The path coding is quite involved so im leaving that for a short while but its soon on the list of things to do. Maybe I should do that one next.
The soil goodness is a great idea. Id have to add a new custom variable tho. At mo he plants seed and then it grows slowly. He can make a tend crops transaction to make them grow faster so you will see it change from the yellow stripes of crops to the green hatch of fully grown harvest. If the harvest is not collected then it drops in quality progressively until it rots into nothing and you see them vanish. So if it rots then it could stay at 100% but if harvested then it could drop 20% or so and modify the growth rate. If he is really hungry and has no more carried harvest then you will see him plant crops like crazy until one harvests. So with poor soil he would be forced to plant more and more to get one harvest. All non planted dirt could gain quality slowly.
A Mrs Andy... Andi ?Yes in time. At mo there is no gender differences at all so it makes no difference. Id be more keen to see Bob (or Bobbi !) make an appearance and maybe there would be some chance to trade / barter and see how two people together interact with stuff.
I could add those status bars for one chosen character at the bottom I think. I reckon that would help debug it a bit more. Another set of stats that would be good to see is his valuation of the market. As he cuts a tree down he values logs less and then makes planked timber instead and then values them less. Then he builds a house then suddenly he gets all interested in timber again.
By the end of this run its hard to see what he's going to want to do next. He has a house, crops and water to drink. If I run it longer then he builds a second house. So its probably time I expanded the list of items and transactions too so that it gets more interesting. For example id like to add "extend a shack" to make it bigger or improve it till it looks like a house. I want to start seeing streets appear but I think were a long way off of getting to sensible street layout yet.