Wow..thats a super volcano alright..the map looks great but at this scale the water texture looks a little too "real" the waves would be monstrous..
First, I want to throw great heaps of thanks and appreciation to Pasis for his wonderful tutorial.
As in the subject, here is a double first for me. A world map done with a tablet.
Sorry for such a large file and map. I compressed the JPEG as much as I dare without totally losing picture quality. I have since cut the map into two pieces with a 200 pixel overlap in the center. The lines are the major latlong lines I put on all world maps I create (all previous were hand drawn). These major latlongs are:
Red = Prime Meridian
Blue = Date Line
Green = Equator
Yellow = northern and southern subsolar points
Cyan = arctic and antarctic circles
I put these lines in for they show me the maximum intertropical convergent zone migration (dependent upon landforms) due to axial tilt and the maximum extent of perennial polar ice caps (although not always).
The smoke cloud was a last second edition I failed to turn off before exporting to a JPEG. However, it does show the sight of a massive caldera (super-volcano) that I had recently exploding on the Onaviu.
Thanks for any comments and criticisms.
Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun. - Albert Einstein
A good friend will come down and bail you out of jail. A best friend will be in jail with you and say, "Dude, we screwed up."
Wow..thats a super volcano alright..the map looks great but at this scale the water texture looks a little too "real" the waves would be monstrous..
I am the breath of Dragons...The Song of Mountains...The Stories of Rivers....The Heart of Cities.... I am A Cartographer....
Finished Maps
Kingdom Of Shendenflar Campaign Setting (WIP)
Everything I post is free for use and redistribution under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 licence, except where noted otherwise in the thread.
A supervolcano could stir up some massive waves, so maybe they are to scale...
Yeah I was thinking the same thing about the ocean layer I initially chose. That is why I worked on a new oceans/seas layer set after posting.
LOL. Sounds like a good explaination to me.
Attached Files
VerySmallOnaviu.png - The original, very small edition I began with before resizing and resampling to the 7200x3600 map.
UniverseQrtr.png - A section of the universe showing the relative positions of our galaxy and Onaviu's galaxy.
AntSixth.jpg - An image showing Onaviu's relative position in her galaxy (yes the denizens of Onaviu refer to Onaviu as her).
OnaviuPasisRight012crpd03.jpg - A cropping of the original map showing only the continent of Simerjia since it is more than half a world away from any other land.
And for those interested, here is some data on Onaviu.
Type: Rock
Mass: 1.39488840e25 kilograms
Volume: 2.29441237e21 meters^3
Volumetric Mean Radius: 8,182,027.888 meters
Mean Density: 6079.5017 kilograms/meter^3
Surface Gravity: 13.9066 meters/second^2
Solar Irradiance: 1464.284 Watts/meter^2
Topographic Range: 26,813 meters
Number of Natural Satellites: 2
Land/Sea Percentage: 7.975/92.025
Total Surface Area: 840,283,258,247,500 meters^2
Land Surface Area: 67,012,589,845,200 meters^2
Mean Distance: 210,790,462,973 meters
Orbital Period: 49,766,400 seconds
Orbital Period: 576 Earth Days
Orbital Period: 432 Onaviu Days
Orbital Obliquity: 18.25
Rotational Period (Tropical): 115,200 seconds
Surface Pressure: 1454.524 millibars
Surface Density: 1.745716206 kilograms/meter^3
Scale Height: 5887.228981 meters
Average Temperature: 290°K (17°C)
Diurnal Temperature Range: 283 to 296°K (10 to 23°C)
Wind Speeds: 0 to 150 meters/second
Mean Molecular Weight: 29.36 grams/mole
Atmospheric Composition (in parts per million)
Nitrogen: 739,326
Oxygen: 249,614
Argon: 10,428
Carbon Dioxide: 542
Neon: 29.65
Helium: 12.13
Methane: 2.8
Krypton: 3.62
Hydrogen: 1.12
all others: 4.59
Numbers do not add up to exactly 1,000,000 due to roundoff and uncertainty.
Water is highly variable, typically makes up about 1%.
Of course, that may be too much data, but I did calculate it all.
Now I'm off to do some rivers and city placements.
Last edited by arakish; 11-05-2010 at 07:30 PM. Reason: fixed und tag
Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun. - Albert Einstein
A good friend will come down and bail you out of jail. A best friend will be in jail with you and say, "Dude, we screwed up."
super volcano, owh thanks your info....
Never liked that kind of water texture, but the mountains looks alright.
Wow! all that data and the star map really makes Onaviu come alive..great job![]()
I am the breath of Dragons...The Song of Mountains...The Stories of Rivers....The Heart of Cities.... I am A Cartographer....
Finished Maps
Kingdom Of Shendenflar Campaign Setting (WIP)
Everything I post is free for use and redistribution under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 licence, except where noted otherwise in the thread.
Well, I've been gone a while. Too dang much to do around the house. And my drawing hand is still broken. Although better drawing left handed, was able to get some text done with right hand.
Here is the latest I have been able to get done. Now I just have to get the seas and bays named and this section will be finished. Still waiting for left hand to heal before working on the other half.
Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun. - Albert Einstein
A good friend will come down and bail you out of jail. A best friend will be in jail with you and say, "Dude, we screwed up."
Here is the latest I've done on the other side of Onaviu. Didn't do too bad with my right hand since left is still healing.
Not totally satisfied with northern Taurlond. I thought I had a good tundra pattern, but thought wrong. Now gotta go find one or make it. Also, could not get the snowfield to follow the underlying mountain and hill contours as with the forests and grasslands. However, I'm going to work on it and figure it out. I know setting the layer to multiply will get it to follow the contouring, but it also turns the snowfield a very dark grey to almost black. Might have to make a second set of mountain layers and use the snowfield instead of the patterns I did use.
I can already hear the River Police. However, if you could see the underlying terrain model, you'd see why the rivers take the paths I have drawn. I'm still not finished with the rivers and lakes. I'd upload the terrain model, however it is 50+Mb in size. I felt I was pushing things with an almost 2Mb half-world map.
Eventually, this map will be used for my upcoming RMFRP campaign. Eventually.
Thanks for any C&C.
Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun. - Albert Einstein
A good friend will come down and bail you out of jail. A best friend will be in jail with you and say, "Dude, we screwed up."
And I think I am finished with this section of Onaviu. This continent is going to be unknown. Thus, the reason only the major cities are listed. Thus, I feel this section is finished until it is discovered.
Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun. - Albert Einstein
A good friend will come down and bail you out of jail. A best friend will be in jail with you and say, "Dude, we screwed up."