Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
The north section seems to be missing, but apart from that the layout seems the same as the last time? (NSEW and sometimes a 30 or 40 degree street?). Am I missing something?
Well, there are only 3 sections. The south section is about 150 degrees of a circle, and east and west are about 100-110 degrees each.

The original idea was to make a city where three rivers meet. (Or more accurately where two meet and then flow on as one.) Then I realized that by leaving any of the three shores as just water then you have a port city with a river through it. And one can join the two land masses for a port without a river. The next thought was that if I have just one section then it is a port where the land juts out a little.

If you set the rotation to "none" then we'll be talking apples to apples regarding which is east, west, and south. The inner parts of the east and west city sections now have two possible layouts. For each section, you randomly get a more square-ish layout or one that has some streets at different angles. The attach pictures show a map with both sections as more square-ish and another map where both have a with less ordered layout. (But you may also get a map that has one section more square-ish and the other less ordered.) Also, the southern section will likely be done tonight.

Is that clear? I'm probably too close to it.
