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Thread: Greetings All!

  1. #11
    Guild Apprentice thomryng's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halo of Gnats View Post
    I like the colorization of regions and borders along with the easily understood symbols. The partitioned water
    segments in the first piece remind of a board game. Is that what they're for?
    Hi Tim,

    The maps are for Cruenti Dei, which is a strategic fantasy PBeM I've been running for, oh, several years now.

    You can find more here.

    It's funny you mentioned those 70's political maps - I think I first got my love of maps by poring over those maps, and the old National Geographic portfolio atlas, when I was a kid. And yes, it was the 70's.


    Thom Ryng

    Cruenti Dei Line Editor
    Sardarthion Press

    "The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreasonable world, nor even that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble is that it is very nearly reasonable, but not quite." (G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy)

  2. #12
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Welcome, doing a city is difficult but possible. It depends on how sensible or historically accurate the city should be. Anyway, there are lots of city tutorials about but were all still striving to get an easy and less laborious way of making them. For price, Blender is also in that unbeatable price range. Sketchup from google is definitely a must check out too. There are others as well. And other pricey versions to look at too. Nothing is very simple in 3D tho.

  3. #13
    Community Leader mearrin69's Avatar
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    Odd. Thought I had replied to this thread...guest the postmonster general ate it.

    Welcome to the Guild! You don't need the canary. It's safe in here...heh, heh...right guys?

    So, let's see some city! I'm a fan of city/town mapping and I know lots others here are as well.

  4. #14
    Guild Novice Halo of Gnats's Avatar
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    Hello Redrobes,
    Historically accurate for D&D? Somewhat. My co-DM and I are looking to start the first session in about a month,
    so I bite the bullet and work a 2D model up with side renderings for places that may be hard to imagine. For example:
    one place in the city is called the Hive which is an old warehouse district interconnected and the center rests on a platform
    (of some sort) over a large river. The buildings along the edge of the platform had water wheels/mills allowing
    for different artisans to work. The city is mysteriously sieged by wyvern; therefore, each build is connected and fortified.
    I'm thinking about some windmills on top for extra umph, because dwarves live in an undercity below this platform
    and the power generated by the mills (perhaps with a little steam punk) powers a lift they use to send and receive
    So, this lengthy response boils down to 'how do I render the topside of this construction in 3D modeling.
    Ambitious? Yes.
    I will check out blender and sketchup. I'm not against buying software; I just wanted a little practice on the
    free stuff.

    Mearrin 69, thanks for coming back and re-greeting me.

    I'm off to cafe render the buildings, first.

    Steel engravings, Gothic lettering,
    A bar of sulfur left in a cabinet,
    The heavy tollings of insomnia,
    Sunrises and sunsets and twilights,
    Echoes, undertows, sand, lichen, dreams,
    I am nothing but those images...

    The Maker by Jorge Luis Borges

  5. #15
    Guild Novice Halo of Gnats's Avatar
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    Hello Again,

    While I study gimp awhile, I thought I'd offer up the only surviving map from my D&D career: Bäs.

    This map was created using pencil, pen, colored pencil (including experimentation
    in watercolor pencil for the bodies of water), marker to gain additional saturation against the prevailing
    muddier colors. Yellow lines present portal ley lines between ancient fortress or places of power,
    while the thick magenta represent known trade routes. At early paragon level, the group encountered
    a surviving mage, who gave them a map. I didn't have any maps to physically offer the group, so
    I drafted this in about a week and a half, so much of this is pretty crude (and written upon by the players).

    Also, I do not have a scanner big enough for this map, thus I'm forced to upload as a camara image.
    Note: Please keep in mind, any lack of quality is purely the photographer
    and not the equipment.

    Historic Ramble
    Bäs is a world the party found at 1st level stepping through a portal (or window as Bäsians call them).
    None of the creatures or peoples in Bäs can claim to be indigenous. The lands are ruled by a splinter
    group of Tieflings, tracing their houses back to Bael Turath. The party arrived many years after a magick
    war between the Tiefling Warlock Knights and the existing kingdoms, who were backed by various
    wizard houses which arrived before the Tieflings. Smothering the western portion of this continent
    is the Sea of Storms, a stormy wasteland created as by-product of the war and maintained
    by a catastrophic-styled black/blue dragon.
    Along the east, many of the Tiefling houses are situated and they, keeping with their forefathers'
    heritage, have been slowly juxtaposing Bäs with hell, creating a hell upon earth environment
    called the Grey Wastes. Many of the "points of light" that exist are under the direct control of one of
    the Tiefling houses. Instead of the party attempting to find a way to flee the madhouse, after the first
    character death (level 1...not my fault), the group decide to wrest control and began their rise to herodom.

    DSCN0064.JPG DSCN0049.JPG

    DSCN0048.JPG DSCN0051.JPG


    Thank you for stopping by.

    ~Tim (Halo of Gnats)
    Last edited by Halo of Gnats; 10-21-2010 at 07:16 PM.
    Steel engravings, Gothic lettering,
    A bar of sulfur left in a cabinet,
    The heavy tollings of insomnia,
    Sunrises and sunsets and twilights,
    Echoes, undertows, sand, lichen, dreams,
    I am nothing but those images...

    The Maker by Jorge Luis Borges

  6. #16
    Community Leader NeonKnight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halo of Gnats View Post
    Greetings Neon, what's a grognard?


    Basically it also represents someone who has played D&D for many, many years, and is aso often an older (over 40) roelplayer. If you have been playing since 1983, you should fit the bill!
    Daniel the Neon Knight: Campaign Cartographer User

    Never use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice!

    Any questions on CC3? Post them with CC3 in the Subject Line!
    MY 'FAMOUS' CC3 MAPS: Thunderspire; Pyramid of Shadows; King of the Trollhaunt Warrens; Demon Queen's Enclave

  7. #17
    Guild Novice Halo of Gnats's Avatar
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    That's fair.

    Steel engravings, Gothic lettering,
    A bar of sulfur left in a cabinet,
    The heavy tollings of insomnia,
    Sunrises and sunsets and twilights,
    Echoes, undertows, sand, lichen, dreams,
    I am nothing but those images...

    The Maker by Jorge Luis Borges

  8. #18


    Welcome from a new mapper!!

  9. #19
    Guild Novice Halo of Gnats's Avatar
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    Near Dusk


    Hello teevee,

    Glad to "see" you here, from one new mapper to another.
    I'm stumbling through some troubles right now, but
    I look forward to getting inspired by some of your work.

    Steel engravings, Gothic lettering,
    A bar of sulfur left in a cabinet,
    The heavy tollings of insomnia,
    Sunrises and sunsets and twilights,
    Echoes, undertows, sand, lichen, dreams,
    I am nothing but those images...

    The Maker by Jorge Luis Borges

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