Unfortunately, the D&D 4e group is barely in use. Hope you have more luck with yours!
Hi all,
I just learned about the Groups function here...and apparently only a few other people have discovered it so far! Since there are groups for GURPS and D&D 4e I figured I'd add one for Pathfinder. Here's the link if anyone's interested:
Now, I don't know what to *do* with the group...but there it is.
Edit: You can reach the Groups section under the Community pull-down, located in the small toolbar under the main one.
Unfortunately, the D&D 4e group is barely in use. Hope you have more luck with yours!
Cheers, Julien
Battlemaps, Town Maps, Tutorials.
All my maps and content are posted and published under this Creative Commons License.Click Here for information on licensing.
If I played 4E I'd join that one too...but it just didn't suit me so I never got into it. I joined the GURPS group and it looks like there's not much going on there either. Of course those games have their own forums so...maybe that's why they're light.
Heh heh..... Exact same reason I started the GURPS group, although I have NO IDEA what to actuallu DO with the group, but as you said: There it is!![]()
I always thought groups like that can set projects within themselves that they can work on. I know we have the CWBP and we should focus more on it. But sometimes people like to flesh out locales that are in their RPG games. I.E. for the 4e group I've thought about proposing to flesh out the Nentir Vale with maps. Not sure the response it would have. I was thinking about doing it myself anyways as a project after my learning stage.
Cheers, Julien
Battlemaps, Town Maps, Tutorials.
All my maps and content are posted and published under this Creative Commons License.Click Here for information on licensing.
Ah, that's an idea. I'm not doing much "development" in either the Pathfinder world of Golarion or in GURPS (there's no setting but Infinite Worlds is a pseudo-setting) right now but I will start up a discussion if I do.
Well for the D&D 4e group something that I have thought of is organizing a play by post adventure or something but who would be willing to take the job of the DM and do essentially all the work.
Maybe when I have some more spare time I might try to organize something like that.
hmmmm that's strange, I posted here yesterday - but its gone.. well ..
but as I was saying (apperently only to myself) I made the 4e group for the same reasons - ie.. yeah, there are groups. However, I forget to log into the group when I visit the guild. So Gaemon and Avengeil, go ahead and fire away with ideas for the group - it could use a good boost![]()
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What would you guys like a group to do? Maybe RobA / Arcana could fix it up with the board software?
I'm really not sure what I'd use it for. I'm active-ish on the Paizo forums and direct rules questions and such there. Seems like a group here should be devoted to cartography, but I'm not planning on mapping anything in Golarion (Paizo's setting) and any other fantasy maps I create have applicability to any fantasy setting. For now I guess it's just a badge to say "I play/support this system". The PBP idea's not a bad one I guess but we don't necessarily need a group for that. I'm not being much help, am I?