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Thread: February 2008 Entry: The ruined manorhouse

  1. #11


    "And then we went down the ladder to the cave levels. it took little time to discern why this was a good spot to fortify. there, at the lowest point in the caverns, was a stream running quickly through the entire complex. fresh water, our own cistern. also, the stream lead out to the river a short ways away through the earth, thus providing a quick escape point in case of attack. yes, this makes a great home indeed."

    ### Winner ###

    Last edited by ChickPea; 08-26-2018 at 08:56 AM. Reason: Added Winner tag

  2. #12


    I really like your maps, and will possibly even use them in an upcoming adventure of mine if that's okay with you. You seem to have a real grasp on these types of maps. I'm curious though, in the very first map (of the main floor of the manor house), where is the front door presumed to be? I see no obvious locations, and none of the various holes in the walls seem to correspond with a likely location. Am I just missing something really obvious?

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  3. #13
    Guild Member Sirith's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Western Europe


    I really like that last map you uploaded, it's imaginative. I could see myself walking around in such a cave, Oblivion/Morrowind-like (don't know if you know those games, but if you do, you understand the feeling associated ).

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