You're certainly not in the wrong place! There may indeed be a predominance of Fanstasy mapping here, supporting peoples' interests in role play games but it is in no way exclusive of any other types of cartography. There are strange people here involved in those odd satellite radar mapping thingies using height fields and people trying to model how cities evolve - for example.

I'm relatively new here myself and my main interests are more to do with 3D modelling but that includes (mainly) buildings and cities which is mainly why I'm here. I'm just as interested in modelling fantasy stuff as real stuff however, most of the time, real-world mapping is being done "out there" by proffessionals (some of whom are here too!) and the hobbyist is more inclined to create than document, perhaps? It's much easier to "just make it up" than to represent real stuff !!
As part of the recent "Super Challenge" about doing some sort of map about New York, one of my own entries is a 3D model of New Amsterdam, a real historical location, the majority of the information I used was from the "Castello Plan" of 1660 and the various versions of that since created. You'll also find in there an historical recreation of the map of the Battle of Long Island as well as some historical recreations of other mapping styles and eras.

The 3D community appears to be quite small here, but what I've done so far certainly seems ot interest a much wider spectrum of people than I imagined when I first joined. I think you'll find some kindred spirits here in your preferred styles too.
So I can only reiterate that, yes, you most certainly "belong" here!