I will agree with Crayons. Additionaly the nature of the community here is to give tools and means to create maps in which meets every style you want. Meaning if you intrested in a more classical style of maps we can critique you and give advice on how to manipulate the software to achieve your end goal. Mind you not all things aren't easily achieved digitally and hand drawing can lead to the desired effect. Experiement and try things out we will help you along to reach your desired goal. As for personally I'm intrested in all types of mapping and am just starting off. I tried and made a fictional map of a priory in the later part of the 12th century. Not entirely accurate to the style or layout but with more time and research I most definitly could have produced a version that would be more accurate. We even present the monthly challenges which is a good way for you to express your opinion and bring a different view then whats currently found. This months challenge is to design and map out a castle. You can maybe do a floor plan similar to this church, but of a castle of your choice such Blarney Castle, Ireland or Alcázar of Segovia, Spain. Again all up to you. Just remembers to have fun in the process or whats the point of taking it on as a hobbyist.