Man oh, man.... The diversity of people in here is truly amazing!

Hello, My name is Sigurd (Sigurd Brutus Motor) Bjørgås Johansson. I was born in Oslo, Norway in 1979 to two loving hippie parents.
Then life happened. Happy life. With a couple of sad parts....
Now I live with my girlfriend Karoline, our cat Herr Sitron (thats norwegian for mr. lemon), our hamster Pablo and too much stuff!
I started playing RPGs and Warhammer when I was just 12 (still do though), started my first metal band when I was 14 and bought my first car when I was 28.....

My vices include: chain-smoking, coffee and beer-drinking, day-dreaming, nudity, game-mastering, role-playing, mapping, converting miniatures, writing, StumbleUpon, metal, progressive rock and harmonic sounds.

Currently I work as an electrician for a small family owned company called Sterkstrøm, that has been around since 1946, but my true "calling" is sound design.
I love making sounds\noise\harmony, so if any of you need sounds, for anything, call me!

Well, thats me.....

PS: Oh, and I`m overly fond of food.