Name: Cycopsilus - The XVII Plague Knight
Race: Human
Location: border area of Gallant Coast and Witchlight Strand

The presence of a Plague Knight is never a good sign. First an area is ravaged by the plague leaving misery, orphaned children, terror, death and despair. Then arrive the Sect of Flagelmus - a group of self-punishing people who have survived the plague's initial onslaught on the body. Some of these grow mad, some die of self-torture, violence or self-mutilation or of infections or malnutrition. A select few return to Groam to later appear as the dreaded Plague Knights. Most Plague Knights are quite slim or even skeletal due to their ravaged and withered bodies, but fragile or weak they are not. Instead their bodies can apparently withstand much more punishment than the average human can. In fact some rumors exists that claim the Plague Knights are no longer alive, but kept in motion by some evil force or entity - like the feared powers of the necromancers of Cult of the Blackflame.

Cycopsilus leads a group of 80. They are all members of the Sect of Flagelmus and servants to Cycopsilus. The numbers flail since some die and some join the group. Cycopsilus' group has appeared seemingly out of nowhere and wrecked havoc on a small farming village some miles north of the Witchlight Strand's border. The group killed and maimed dozens of innocent victims and purposefully let some get away after polluting their bodies with the seeds of the plague.

Cycopsilus is surely on some mission, but what he is after, noone knows.

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