It looks nice. I'm guessing from the few pages I read and details like the simple undershot millwheel, that your setting is roughly medieval? If so, for a town of just 2-300 buildings, three bridges seems extravagant. Bridges were expensive public-works projects, both for construction and for maintenance. I do see even in that snippet of Chapter Five that you're painting a nice picture - with all those folks lining the town's several bridges. Not that three breaks some law of physics, but if you do have a reason for "so many", maybe it'll richen your setting, whether or not said reason ever needs to make it into the text. You mention Eldeholm is regionally important - maybe bridges are just one of your society's status symbols. Or maybe one is the ages-old "mere footbridge", one will pass an oxcart, but is getting decrepit, and the third is the standard stone bridge of three meters' width, as decreed by King Xxxxx in Yyyy, for all the Royal Roads... you no doubt have something that fits your people and that place.
The town's layout looks fine. I'd figure The Summer Market wouldn't have so long a route to get to The Square, but maybe you're only showing roads and people habitually use footpaths between the Market and the west end of the Square. The buildings are mostly of a similar size. Where do the poor folks live - just squeezed more per building? How about rich folks - just nicer furnishings in a similar-sized house as the tradesmen? If your society isn't as graduated as Earth's medieval equivalents, fine - you're portraying some degree of even prosperity just with the map. If you do want some poor folks, then some crowded, smaller hovels would say that right on the map too.
Is the treed area supposed to be forest, or orchard, or parkland? Simple need for firewood, not to mention building material, would keep outright forest cut well back from a town this size.
Were I picking up a paper novel to leaf through, and I flipped open to this map, I'd think "oooo, pretty - wonder what goes on there?" so yes, it's a nice interest piece for your book.