Nice entries, I wish I could have entered this one but I just had too much on my plate this month.

While I enjoyed all the maps in the end I was down to 3.

RE - This was great right from the start. Way to come out strong and scare everyone away, LOL. While I didn't want to vote for you because it will mean you are out of the Lite challenge arena if you win, which means I will miss you here, I just had to. The only thing that looks funny to me is in the inset overhead map I think the entry room and stairs are going the wrong direction.

Geamon - I liked this map because it is different from what you would typically expect and is filled with atmosphere. I think it is very well done and it gets my vote.

MapVandal - Yours was my other choice but I could only vote twice. Your story was hands down the best in the show and reminded me of Edgar Allen Poe. Your map was well done and very usable but it didn't tell the story as well as your narration did. The illustrations were superb as others have mentioned.

Deddeso - An interesting looking map. I hope you enter more as I always like the unusual.
Jtougas - Well put together and loaded with stuff. A bit repetitive on the shelves. Might mix that up a bit next time. I have been drawing all my own items which I know takes a lot of time so you might want to start building up a library of your own items for use next time. Eventually, you will be able to provide all your own fill material. This would be perfect for a quick adventure scene.
Tilt - What to say? Hope you have more time next round to finish.

Thanks again everyone for helping to keep this a going community by all your efforts in the competition. Those who have ever entered one of these know the effort and time it takes and I for one just want to express my appreciation.