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Thread: Help save my map!

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  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice
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    Wip newest version

    newest version is up.

    I changed the background fill. Not convinced I like it yet.

    I also changed the trees for the spiderhaunt woods to reflect how the trees look with webs filling them to the point where they are largely unrecognizable as trees.

    More to be done this weekend. Finish filling in all the forested areas, also going to add some more easter eggs for my players to find.
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    Last edited by eleran; 02-22-2008 at 08:26 PM. Reason: forgot to add map

  2. #2
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Badger's Avatar
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    Post Background fill

    Here are two tiles I came up with a day or so ago, just playing around with fills and what not, trying to feel my way around Paintshop. Thought I'd at least offer them

    Its looking good, btw. Can't wait to see the next update

    **After looking for a second and third time.. these might be a little too much in the way of land fills.. too much noise that is...
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    Last edited by Badger; 02-22-2008 at 08:39 PM. Reason: **Addendum
    Have Pen. Will Map.
    Have Dice. Will Travel.
    GM for Hire | Artist and Cartographer | Free Quotes on

  3. #3


    They may not be the best for a general land fill, but they might work out well as forest fills.

    There's an unresolved question in the thread regarding separating objects that are in a stack while selecting. I was wondering about the same thing. I have figured out how to exclude an item of a particular color (NOT), but surely there must be a way to exclude everything that doesn't meet a test. Can I select only the black objects in a stack, for instance?
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  4. #4
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Badger's Avatar
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    Are you talking about ... I need all the black entites on the map... or I've selected a bunch of entities, now I only want the black ones? .... because you can use your R. click commands to select groups of the same property .. IE Color, Layer, Type....

    which leads me to answer eleran's question about selecting one entity when you seem to only be able to grab two.. very frustrating, but you can now select objects by their entity tag Are you talking about ... I need all the black entites on the map... or I've selected a bunch of entities, now I only want the black ones? .... because you can use your R. click commands to select groups of the same property .. IE Color, Layer, Type....

    which leads me to answer elerans question of selecting just one entity out two that cover each other.. very frustrating, you can now select objects by their entity tag --- type a number to select an entity by its unique number as see in under Info > List. I would imagine this is going to be quite handy...

    but i'm still not sure of mid's question completely... but then again.. i can be a little slow
    Have Pen. Will Map.
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  5. #5
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Badger's Avatar
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    This comes directly from the CC3 help file... which you've probably already read and there wasn't a need to post it here...
    CC3 allows you to select entities using a right click popup menu. You can find the on/off switches for the right click menu under the Options [Tools > Options] – make sure that Select with right-button context menus is checked.

    Note that you can type the underlined letter for each choice (when available) to hotkey the selection.

    Start an editing command then right click to see the selection menu.

    Do it: Choose to end selection. The editing command you invoked can now be carried out.

    Cancel: Choose to cancel both the selection and the current command.

    And, Or, and Not: choose whether selected entites are added to or removed from the current selection. More

    All: Choose to select all entities in drawing. Does not select entities on frozen layers. Available only if no entities have been immediately selected.

    Prior: Choose to select the entities last edited/created in a previous command. Available only if no entities have been immediately selected.

    Color: Choose to select entities by color. You can pick a color from the Color Bar, type a color number, or right-click and select a color from the current palette.

    Layer: Choose to select entities by layer. You can type in a layer name, or right-click and select a layer from the Select Layer dialog box.

    Line Style/Fill Style: Choose to select entities by Line or Fill Style. Type in a fill style or line style name, or right click and select from the dialog box.

    Entity Tag #: type a number to select an entity by its unique number as see in under Info > List.

    Entity Type: Choose to select an entity type (e.g. arc, path) from the Select Entity Type dialog box. All selectable entities of the type you select will be selected.

    CC3 works the way you think, in a verb-object orientation. That is, if you want to "erase a circle," you first choose the Erase, then select the circle. This is the recommended method.

    To change to the standard Windows method (choose entities, then select a command)

    CC3 also has the option to select entities using a series of dialog boxes
    In particular you can use entity tag and entity type dialogues to really narrow choices of what you select or don't select....
    **I'm still looking through the many various help files, tutorials, etc to see if there are ways to do what you are wanting to do, maybe I just imagined seeing something ....
    Last edited by Badger; 02-22-2008 at 10:22 PM. Reason: Addendum
    Have Pen. Will Map.
    Have Dice. Will Travel.
    GM for Hire | Artist and Cartographer | Free Quotes on

  6. #6


    What's been confusing me is the use of the Boolean tools. NOT is easy: I have a landmass and its outline. I want to delete only the black outline, so I choose NOT, color, then black. AND and OR, though, I haven't kenned yet.

    I think I need to just play for a while--all of my use time lately has been spent trying to solve particular design needs rather than exploring the program.

    On the other hand, I've learned quite a bit in solving those problems that I might not have by experimentation.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  7. #7
    Guild Apprentice
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    I did find the answer to one of my questions. If I am trying to edit or erase or whatever a symbol or symbols and I accidentally selected a symbol I do not want, merely hold down the CTRL button and reclick the entity you dont want to edit, that will remove it from the selected entities and you can proceed with your command.

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