So, I took a break from this for a little while. When I came back, I had the streets layer I used here that I'm not entirely sure how I made (though I think it involves some bitmap tracing in Inkscape, either that or messing up a tutorial). Anyway, I decided to work with that.

Also rather than trying to mark all the houses and such in the city, I'm only marking off major landmarks and such. It isn't the map I wanted, but I think I need a better scale to use the help I got toward my original goal.

Currently on this map:
Red Landmarks: The gates, a famous inn, a library, the seat of government, the courthouse, a library, a theater, and possibly a museum.
Yellow splotch: The main guild headquarters. (Larger buildings and such are nearer to gates and markets, but these are considered the main branches/etc)
Green patches: Parks (there are more green spaces. These are the largest and those known for their use in worship)
Red patches: The major markets. (The large square is the most famous, the one to its right is less prestigious and primarily imports, the one near the theater (bracket shaped building with green within and to the right) is mostly fine crafts and art, etc)
Blue Spots: Police stations (every ward has at least one)
Other red thing: The docks


What other landmarks should I add? Do I need more parks, you think?