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Thread: Creating maps for performing arts planning (and other dynamic environments)

  1. #1

    Map Creating maps for performing arts planning (and other dynamic environments)

    I am looking for lessons in map making. In particular, how maps tell stories of place through data and phenomenon. I am looking for ways to apply this particular skillset to mapping out the drastic changes in territory that the performing arts are experiencing. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Community Leader Jaxilon's Avatar
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    Interesting application and it sounds like it's totally doable. You just need to know what the catalysts were for changes you refer to.
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  3. #3


    Not knowing much about the changes that the performing arts are going through at the moment, I'm a little lost as to what sort of map you want to produce (maybe an infographic?). Presumably we are not talking about geographical territory?

    Welcome to the guild, btw.

  4. #4

    Post catalyst

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaxilon View Post
    Interesting application and it sounds like it's totally doable. You just need to know what the catalysts were for changes you refer to.
    Gosh, now that is thought provoking. Catalysts as in change agents? I think a major catalyst would be how the internet, You Tube, Facebook, etc. shifted the paradigm from individual consumption of cultural experiences (i.e., butts in the seats), to initiator-creator of one's own cultural environment which may include live performances. Hmmm. Is that a catalyst? How do you map catalysts?

  5. #5

  6. #6


    Thanks for the welcome! I am not sure what kind of map it would be. There are economic, non-economic and invisible elements that are place / context specific. City of Birmingham Symphony (England) and Seattle Symphony would have shared as well as distinct elements. Each has a physical, socio-economic structure as well as a distinct territory. What are the elements of data and phenomenon that tells the story, that gives voice to the elements of place and context? Are these the right questions to ask?

  7. #7
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    Infographic is sort of like a family tree or flow chart as one would find in any office meeting. So, my thoughts are pretty broad at the moment.

    There would be a political branch, an economic branch, technology branch, social branch, culture branch, and probably a few more that I can't think of at the moment. The political branch would include such things as NEA funding, public school funding for arts programs, paradigm shifts in general arts appreciation due to political climate (sort of like how Hitler deemed all Jewish artists and art to be subhuman and therefore unworthy), and many more. The economic branch would have things like ticket prices, accessibility to arts (ie location of venues, household income that allows free time to actually go to said venue, and combine this with the tech branch of internet), types of things popular by income demographic (opera as opposed to a cover band down at the pub) etc. The tech branch would have things like how tech makes things easier or harder for folks to access the arts (300 years ago you had to go to the opera house, 50 years ago you had radio and tv, now we have internet), media types for dispersing the arts to the masses (this sort of goes with the previous), etc. The social branch would be things that are popular for a time then fade away like how opera used to be huge 200 years ago and now it's all candy pop music for the masses (of course the educated still have desires for more than that). Some cultures favor certain things over other things and this could be place dependent (say Japan vs. Poland) or time dependent (100 years ago vs. now).

    Predicting where things will go over the next few years is about as hard as predicting when the next wind will blow. You can easily map out the past and make a good stab at the present (there's a lot of information to convey about the present) but the future would be mostly open-ended...all you could do is have a plan ready for whichever way the trends go. At any rate, I'm no genius, I just think real quick and have to get some ideas out before they escape. If they're helpful, then cool. If not, gimme some more information and we'll see about what we can do to help.
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by NancyGosen View Post
    Thanks for the welcome! I am not sure what kind of map it would be. There are economic, non-economic and invisible elements that are place / context specific. City of Birmingham Symphony (England) and Seattle Symphony would have shared as well as distinct elements. Each has a physical, socio-economic structure as well as a distinct territory. What are the elements of data and phenomenon that tells the story, that gives voice to the elements of place and context? Are these the right questions to ask?
    IMO those are the right questions. Have a look at this site:
    There are any number of ways to display information and once you have decided the nature of the information you wish to display and the relationships between elements of that information, you should start getting an idea of how it should all be presented.

  9. #9
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
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    I am at work atm, and don't have time to find the link, but you should do a search for a map of the evolution of heavy metal. We have a link some where here...

    K, I found the link.....and here it is. It might give you some inspiration.

    and if you are interested in the thread ....... here THAT is too
    Last edited by Korash; 02-28-2011 at 10:19 PM.
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