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Thread: Zombie Nirvana Style Map

  1. #1
    Guild Member JFJohnny5's Avatar
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    Chicago, Illinois

    Wip Zombie Nirvana Style Map

    My first attempt at a Photoshop map, and a WIP at that. I'm following through the Zombie Nirvana videos. (HUGE thanks there by the way! Great stuff!!) I'm following his techniques and experimenting with them a bit as I go along. You can see I made a pattern for mountains as well as the forest, and I colored my lake. Any critiques, suggestions, etc are very welcome!!
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    Last edited by JFJohnny5; 03-11-2008 at 12:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Guild Member Kagehito's Avatar
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    Lake looks awesome!

    It has that old printpress feel to it. Coloring looks good thus far. A little bit of leakage can be seen in the tear in the parchment up top.

    If you set your marquee to only contain the areas you want effected you can ovoid that happening entirely.

    Though depending how you did it you might not be able to.

    Anyway, I'm still really new to the digital working, though I've been training myself.

    Just keep working at it and trying different things untill you get the right effect your going for.

    Looks really good so far, I'd like to see it finished!

    Good Luck!
    The pen is truly mightier then the sword, for with one quick stroke, a pen can kill your drawing; but the sword takes a couple hits before you drop it into negitive HP.

  3. #3


    Looks good so far. Nice coloring and the symbols look good as well. It'll be interesting to see the whole thing once it is finished.


  4. #4
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Badger's Avatar
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    Butch Curry just rocks don't he....

    Nice work. Keep it up, I want to see more..
    Have Pen. Will Map.
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  5. #5
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Looking very nice, Johnny! I would suggest lowering the opacity of the colors a bit--but that may be just my bias, for I often feel that way about Butch's maps too, so take that advice with a grain of salt.

    Nice map--and a good post! Keep 'em comin'!
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  6. #6
    Guild Member JFJohnny5's Avatar
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    Here we are after another (short) night of work. I took out the mountains as they didn't really fit the scale. They were in there more as a test to see if I could anyway. I added roads, structures and text tonight. I struggled with where to place the label for the town itself. Another thought was to put it in the lower left corner and use a larger font. Any ideas there would be welcome. I think of the town as a small trading stop along a crossroads of growing importance near this particular lake. I tried to make the building layout flow from that idea as opposed to being a "small town that appeared next to a lake." Let me know if you think I accomplished my goal! I still have more to do, but I think it's coming along. And thank you for all the comments and encouragement thus far!!
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  7. #7
    Guild Journeyer Airith's Avatar
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    the buildings seem a lil out of scale compared to the forests. but thats probably just me.

    also, for the name, you could put that as a big title across the top, as that is the focus of the map.
    And our time is flyin', see the candle burnin' low
    Is the new world rising, from the shambles of the old
    ~The Rover - Led Zeppelin

  8. #8
    Guild Member Kagehito's Avatar
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    Ah! It's looking good! A couple of things to think about.

    1. Perhaps think about adding a dock where the buildings at the lake front are.

    2. I would assume the building up in the cleared out patch of forest is supposed to be a logging camp? If so add a river that runs down to the industrial part of town where the Lumber could be processed to make the buildings that are sprouting up. Thats how its done in real life. If you did it that way you wouldn't have to waste manpower or use beasts of burden to get them where they needed to be, you just float em down stream.

    Just a few suggestions. Keep up the good work!
    The pen is truly mightier then the sword, for with one quick stroke, a pen can kill your drawing; but the sword takes a couple hits before you drop it into negitive HP.

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