Thanks, Katto. Yes, workflow- one of those words you hear a lot. The course obviously have their own workflow- PS for texturing, 3DS Max and then Final Cut Pro for animations. I don't foresee any problems hooking up with 3DS Max from my terrain modelling programs, Terragen, World Machine and the like -I don't think we'll be doing that much terrain modelling in any case on the course- it's more architecture and product visualisation. I'm not used to working with meshes basically, and that whole navigating in 3D. All I'm doing right now is importing existing warehouse models into Sketchup and placing them- figured I'd learn a few things even just from that, and I have. Placing them correctly on a terrain mesh is not just a case of snapping to vertices- the mesh being irregular. Personally I'd rather use Maya- given the choice, but 3DS Max is up there with it. I've seen Modo- I'm on their mailing list, and it looks nice, but it's not something you see in the games industry job listings- it's always Max and Maya. I've not developed a strong preference for any 3D modeller.
