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Thread: May 2011 Challenge Entry - Silmencia

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  1. #1


    Cheers Guys!

    Thanks for the crits Tigon: making the trees semi transparent was to intended to show the rivers beneath them, otherwise they would have just vanished under the trees and the Tree Thing doesn't allow for such fine control that you can position trees very closely on either side of the river. (probably me not using it right). The lake labels are a little hard to read, partly because they are so small...I just like the slight air of mystery that by making labels which don't really matter so much very small, that the map gives the illusion of being bigger than it is and the map is meant to look a bit distressed anyway (my excuse, I'm sticking to it) . But....I can never resist a fiddle so I've brightened up the lake labels a bit, made them a bit larger and make the map a bit bigger....hopefully that should sort it...

    They really are right when they say that the last 10% of the map takes 50% of the time!

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  2. #2
    Guild Expert Ramah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    making the trees semi transparent was to intended to show the rivers beneath them, otherwise they would have just vanished under the trees and the Tree Thing doesn't allow for such fine control that you can position trees very closely on either side of the river. (probably me not using it right).
    Well if you wanted the forest to ignore the area where the river is you would need to alter your template so that the area where the river is remains clear. You would need to give it a little space either side too or the trunks could still be placed so close you couldn't tell the difference. The program views wherever you paint your template as fair game to place a tree trunk. With just the river kept clear those trees that are in front of the river will probably still cover it with their foliage, unless you made a larger gap below the river (again, the program works out where the trunks go and not the top). So to combat this (if you want the river completely uncovered) would be like I say, to make the clear space around the river large below it or to go into the options and check "Strict Template Constraints" (I think) - this will make it so that a tree is only placed if ALL of it is inside the template.

    Hope this helps and isn't too confusing. I should probably have taken more time to think through what I wanted to say. Hehe.
    Royal: I'm very sorry for your loss, your mother was a terribly attractive woman.

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