Lots of really good maps to choose from - 3 votes is not enough. So for those that don't win its a tough month. For the cartographer who does it will be a well deserved one.
Ascension - Hassassine
Clercon - Armadien
Diamond - Western American Empire
Djekspek - No Title
Greel - Amosi
jbgibson - Basse-Georges
jtougas - Leggarium
Lalaithion - Calema
Master TMO - Saytehn Empire
PlumCrazy - Xenitia
morikahn - Broken Empire
Ravells - Silmencia
RecklessEnthusiasm - Tripartite
RjBeals - Molta
Rythal - Empire
Sapiento - Tyddarheym
Torstan - Thulaan
Zar Peter - Espantia
Lots of really good maps to choose from - 3 votes is not enough. So for those that don't win its a tough month. For the cartographer who does it will be a well deserved one.