Well, that was totally unexpected. Thank you, guys! I still say there were at least three others that should've won out over me though.
That seems like the most people I've ever seen vote in one of these, too.
Ascension - Hassassine
Clercon - Armadien
Diamond - Western American Empire
Djekspek - No Title
Greel - Amosi
jbgibson - Basse-Georges
jtougas - Leggarium
Lalaithion - Calema
Master TMO - Saytehn Empire
PlumCrazy - Xenitia
morikahn - Broken Empire
Ravells - Silmencia
RecklessEnthusiasm - Tripartite
RjBeals - Molta
Rythal - Empire
Sapiento - Tyddarheym
Torstan - Thulaan
Zar Peter - Espantia
Well, that was totally unexpected. Thank you, guys! I still say there were at least three others that should've won out over me though.
That seems like the most people I've ever seen vote in one of these, too.