Your English is better than mine.A good map and a written story outline are the two main things you need to have to keep your thoughts organized. After that it's just filling in the spaces with the things that make your world special.
Greeting guys, let me introduce myself.
I'm a 15 year-old South Brazilian student, very interested in fantasy and the expanded horizons Fantastic Catography can bring to us. Since I was 8 I read a lot and dream about creating my own World, with its own mythology and places, where dwarfs, elves and dark masters live in peace, dancing in the forests, singing sweet melodies and sometimes planning to rule the world. Every year I start this project over and over again, and every year it remains unfinished. Maybe it's because all my thougts need to have a place to exist, and I've never managed to create an actually good map for them. But I hope that with you guys helping me, I can take my firt steps into the Cartography World, and togheter we make history (well, not actually 'history', more like 'My Fantasy History' BWAHAHAHA ;P just kidding)
I'm taking of right now, because Falling Skies is about to start on TV.
C Ya Folks!!
P.S.: Sorry for any English errors =/
Your English is better than mine.A good map and a written story outline are the two main things you need to have to keep your thoughts organized. After that it's just filling in the spaces with the things that make your world special.
If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
-J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)
My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps
Welcome Aboard!
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Poxa, ta pipocando brasileiro por aqui '-' até um tempo atrás não tinha nenhum...
Bom, bem vindo e espero para ver seus mapas e projetos sobre o mundo que pretende criar.
BTW, não é o único que começar e recomçar o projeto denovo, eu ainda faço isso com o meu, e é um tanto frustrante
Welcome aboard!
Last edited by Beoner; 06-25-2011 at 11:43 AM.
My Finished Maps | My Deviant Art
Current WIP - Trying tablet
Lite Challenge winners: Junjul's Treasure | Bargon's Harbor | The Amazonas
Putz, eu nem tinha procurado saber quantos BR tem aqui. Tu também é gaúcho??? Sou da serra, tá frio pra caralho aqui =/ Sobre os projetos, é sempre assim, por um motivo eu acabo deixando de lado e quando vou recomeçar me parece tudo errado...
By the way, I've lost my PS CD/Key during my bedroom reform and I've formated my HD. So now I'm starting to use GIMP inspired by you fellas. So tell me, is it way diferent or similar to PS?
Sou de São Leopoldo, mas volte meia eu viajo para serra.
About GIMP, I think it's pretty similar to PS but for somethings it is better than GIMP, and for others GIMP is better. However if you know how to use it you can make beatufil maps. In general I use both PS and GIMP for my maps - PS: Land creation, mountains, river and forest. GIMP: Text, city symbols, borders (I really hate PS text editor).
PS: De toda maneira, se não gostar do GIMP da para conseguir o PS por meios ilegais, não é interessante, mas se for só para fazer mapa não vale a pena pagar o que pedem por ele.
My Finished Maps | My Deviant Art
Current WIP - Trying tablet
Lite Challenge winners: Junjul's Treasure | Bargon's Harbor | The Amazonas
Olha, se qualquer dia tu vier pra Bento, a gente toma um café CHIMARRÃO juntos, afinal não é todo dia que se encontra outro gaúcho nos fóruns da vida.
So, I'm right about to start trying GIMP in making a map following RobA guide and using some sketches I had lying around. After I'll write down my 'review' of the software.
P.S.:É eu sei, mas nao parece certo né?
Ainda mais num fórum tão internacional como esse.
RobA's guide is the best way to learn to use GIMP, in my opinion (thats the way I learned to use it).
PS: De fato.
My Finished Maps | My Deviant Art
Current WIP - Trying tablet
Lite Challenge winners: Junjul's Treasure | Bargon's Harbor | The Amazonas
É verdade, eu imaginei que teria uns 4 ou 5 BRs por aqui, nunca um gaúcho rs
Yeah, i was reading it and now I'm gonna follow his instructions. BTW, did u followed any tut to make your Bernia's map or is a personal style? And did you used GIMP, PS or both?
Oh, Bernia I did using all kind of tutorials, but i did it only after trying to do another maps (using the same hand drawn style, and failing). Bernia is the first map I post here, but my real first map was a RobA style map (satelite style). Basiclly I got inspired by Ramah's mountains (dunno if u know his maps, if dont u should they are like, awesome
) and did my own brush mountain, but all the color effect is caused by an old paper without it the map would be ugly. I wouldn't call it personal style, I looked around for some had drawn maps and decided to try one.
I used GIMP and PS, as I said, I like using GIMP for some specific stuff and PS for others (especially because some technics I learned only in PS and others only in GIMP).
My Finished Maps | My Deviant Art
Current WIP - Trying tablet
Lite Challenge winners: Junjul's Treasure | Bargon's Harbor | The Amazonas