Please read the 'Sticky Note' at the top of the forum and try to provide as much information as possible.
The more info you can provide, the better off you are of getting someone to take the commission.
-Map of the North of an unamed World. The boarders should be 'uncharted'
-Here is a rough sketch. I based it off of NeverWinter (Forgotten Realms). Note that I am open for change, the artist would have complete control to change anyhthing in the sketch as he/she sees fit.
-I'd like the snow line to start somewhere south of the capital but north of the marshes.
Scan 001.pdf
- Winter, Gritty, Dark shades
- I'd like for it to look like it was drawn on a torn up piece of canvas
- Drawn 3D 'ish' elements.
- something like the following
Time Constraints
- Within 3-4 Months
-This is just for a campaign; the artist would hold all rights to this map.
- This is for gaming purposes only; I unfortunately do not have the expenses available to pay for it. Hoping someone is simply interested in the challenge. Really appreciate it!
Last edited by slafleche; 07-28-2011 at 03:38 PM.
Please read the 'Sticky Note' at the top of the forum and try to provide as much information as possible.
The more info you can provide, the better off you are of getting someone to take the commission.
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Okay, I edited my post...
So, I've done something here so you can see if you like the style or not. It isn't as good as the example, but I did what I could...
If you like, and want me to do the map, I must warn you this is not my usual map style, as you can see in Bernia or Iurmän, usually my mountains are different, but hand drawn. I'm here for two reasons: 1) I want to try this mountain style, wich I've never done; 2)Help you;
Well, take a look at the map (just the begginig, but I guess it is enough to choose). I'll wait for an answer, doesn't matter if it is yes or no...
My Finished Maps | My Deviant Art
Current WIP - Trying tablet
Lite Challenge winners: Junjul's Treasure | Bargon's Harbor | The Amazonas
Looking at your previous maps, it looks like you can produce some rather nice pieces. You did a really nice job with the 'Iurman' map I find. I also like the town elements in 'Junjul's Treasure' which is what I am looking for as opposed to 'dots' and such.
I'll accept your help with open armsSend me an email and we will work out the details -
E-mail sent....
My Finished Maps | My Deviant Art
Current WIP - Trying tablet
Lite Challenge winners: Junjul's Treasure | Bargon's Harbor | The Amazonas